Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Love story

Whenever I’m nervous that a girl thinks I’m not into her I do 2 things.  First, I poke her. Try this, If you’re not sure where to poke just keep poking playfully until you get a genuine reaction. There are no negative reactions in this scenario, only reciprocal flirts. The second thing is making prolonged eye contact, try to get your eyes to shake back and forth slightly. Make sure she notices this. If her eyes dilate then your chemistry is undeniably harmonious. I tried this with a cashier at the grocery store, our souls mated. She is my soulmate, her name is Kathy, within 13 years I will return and claim her everlasting soul.

1 comment:

  1. mm poking.... my favorite. I especially like it when the dude puts his finger right into the bulge of my love handle!
